Entry 5 : Dance Your Last Step

Hey, how've you been?
I seriously, seriously do NOT know what to write about in this entry.
So, I decided to execute my duties as an executive member of a dance crew I like to call:

Indepen-Dance Crew

I'm not sure if you've ever heard of such a crew but it definitely exists.
This crew was founded by my friends and I and its main goal was to join in on the current scene back then where 'shuffling' was the craze.
The crew started off brightly, holding meet ups every evening just to practice and stuff.
At first, not everyone could do it but as time passed, the crew became more organized and ran very smoothly.
The crew now has about 23 official members, nine of which hold the "In-DC Elite" title.
The members are as follows (In-DC Elite members are in orange):

Fear, the Manager (me)
Seed Jumpen aka Seed
Buzz aka Buzz13

Here is our official logo and might I say, it looks awesome:

I don't know what's up with the crew now, really.
I mean, we had our last meet up last year, way before SPM started and I'm starting to miss those techno songs.
Our last video is dated November 1, 2009.
We haven't been dancing much, since we were all busy for SPM preparations.
However, now that SPM's over, we're all still busy leading our own, separate lives.
Before we went on a hiatus, we planned to make a great comeback with a new, unique style of dance.
I don't know how that's going to happen, since a lot of us are busy with work or other endeavors.
Maybe, I'll call all of them up, for at least one last time and try to revive the In-DC spirit.
Besides, dance is a great way to keep fit and keep away from chaos.

I don't really want to talk about the crew's history.
You can check it out yourself at the crew's official MySpace page.
The link is:

There, you can read all about the crew's history and formation and more at our blog.
We also have a YouTube channel.
The channel is originally mine but I didn't upload a lot of videos so we used it as the crew's instead.
The link is:

Don't get us wrong, though.
We're not at all bad kids.
In fact, most of us are honored students at our school.
We're active in every aspect of curricular and co-curricular activities.
I, myself, have been Class Monitor for five years straight (although not many have noticed my contributions).
All of just like to have fun and hang out on weekends.
That's actually one of the real reasons the crew was formed.
One accolade that the crew has managed to claim, so far, is 3rd place in the ScoutsJB-X Got Talent competition.
This is the one award I am very proud of and I'm sure every other member is, as well.

We don't compete much.
We're still young, both the crew and its members.
The oldest of us hasn't even turned 18 yet so you might have figured out, by now, why we don't function as much as some other crews out there.

I think, that's all I have to say about the crew.
Although we may not be a famous crew, but I am confident in saying that I'm proud to be part of it.
If you'd like to join or know more about the crew, you can always visit our MySpace page and ask us questions there.
Besides that, you can ask me through my own personal MySpace or Facebook.
Just add me up and I'll be happy to answer whatever it is you have to ask.

Here's one of our many uploaded videos as a quick preview of what we're about.
This video, in my opinion, showcases the crew's actual style of dance.
But, we are in the making of branching out, dance style-wise.
This video is also quoted be "... announcing the arrival of In-DC! Coolness" by one of our viewers.

Note: All videos were edited by our own members and that we DON'T own any of the songs used.

"Be independent"
