Entry 32 : What In The World Were You Thinking?

Hey, guys.
I am so exhausted right now.
Yeah, and I'm not even bothering on how informal and how much this entry will differ from the previous entries; simply because I'm writing in a different manner.

Life's been hectic, yo.
I've been travelling around the world.
Just two weeks ago I was in Beijing, China.
Then I went straight back to KMJ.
After that, on Tuesday, I went to KL.
Then on Wednesday I was in JB.
On Thursday, I was in Singapore.
And today (Friday) I was in an accident.

Yes, people.
For the first time in my little over 18 years of life, I got involved in an accident.
A lot of things happened that led up to the accident.
But don't worry.
I don't want any unnecessary texts or calls or anything asking of my health and other people's health.
I'm fine, I'm unscathed, I'm perfect.
But I can't say the same for my car.

Today, I woke up at 4 AM.
Well, I think it was because somebody turned off the air-conditioning.
I went to sleep at almost midnight the night before without even taking a shower after returning home from Singapore after spending the whole day in Universal Studios.
So, I took a shower at 4, went online and went back to sleep at about 4.45AM.
Then, my mom woke me up at 6.15AM, telling me that my cousin was almost arriving from Penang and I had to fetch him from the bus stop.
So after prayers, I did.

Then I didn't go back to sleep.
I uploaded some photos, which I deleted later, downloaded some videos, converted some videos, transferred some things into my phone and did a little bit of a lot things.
Then at 8AM I gamed until it was almost 12PM.
Had lunch after Friday prayers and at 3PM, I went out with my brother to go bowling with the dudes.

After bowling, we should've all just went home.
I knew it in my gut that failing to do so would mean something.
However, I didn't know that it would end up in something that should have never happened.

So, after bowling, we drove around JB.
I tailgated behind Faiz and he took me places.
We got tired and hungry so I suggested we ate Mee Rebus at Angsana for dinner.
I wanted to eat at home but then Abbas saw Fariq's status that there was Domino's at home.
So I thought that there wasn't going to be any left at home so I went ahead and decided that we all ate outside.

Mee Rebus was jam-packed so we wanted eat elsewhere.
Faiz and the others said that it was my turn to take them somewhere; this time to eat.
So I suggested Murtabak or Seafood.
Once we got there, the place was closed and there wasn't really much to eat there.
So I suggested we went to the Mamak Restaurant, Sayed, in Perling.
I wasn't really sure how to get there, but I just followed the signs to Woodlands, thinking that it would lead me to the right place.
But it didn't.

Farhan, in the sick condition he was, had to expel some of his diluted phlegm, so he opened the door once we stopped at the traffic light.
This was at there traffic light right before Danga City Mall.
What was I doing there?
Don't even ask.
So, yeah, he opened the door and I suddenly realized he hadn't checked behind for any motorcycles.
I exclaimed, "Farhan, check motor!" but it was already too late.
He retracted his head and closed some part of the door before a speeding bike rammed into my car door.
No, the car door did not fly off.
He hit it parallel to the door, instead of perpendicularly.
Like how you would bump into the corner of a wall, or how you would run into a pole; something like that.

Anyway, the dude on the bike did not fly off either.
He did fall and hit two cars in front of me; one Kancil driven by Kak Mar and one Wira driven by some dude who let go of the incident straight away.
So, yeah, I was in a situation where I was responsible of.
There was a lot of talking, asking if the dude was okay and stuff.
My friends Adi, Abbas, Sam and Faiz where there throughout the whole time; thank God for them.
They said just relax and stuff.
I was almost freaking out but being the person I am, I never showed it.

I called my dad, but not straight away.
I told him what happened.
He was pissed.
He came and settled everything with Kak Mar and the brother of the dude who was on the bike whom rammed into my car door.
There was a lot of conversing, dealing, discussing, talking and most importantly damage-showing.
Amidst everything that was happening, at the back of my mind, I kind of expected that things like this would eventually happen.
I just didn't think it would happen so soon.
Dude, I've only been 18 for, like, 4 months!
And on the forth month-a-versary, s**t happened.
Damn, life's good.

I could have had my license evaporated.
My brother could have died.
Think about it.
If he didn't pull his head back just in time, something worst might have happened.
That's what I think got dad sent over the edge.
Adding the fact that he utterly hates inconveniences and also because he hadn't had his dinner yet, it was all just a case of mistimed misplacement.

I seriously hated tonight.
If I had known all that would've happened, I would've just stayed home and watch videos on YouTube.
If I knew that I could cause so much trouble, I would've never wanted to do anything today.
But, yeah.
What happens, happens, right?
It's not like I wanted it to happen.
It's not like I asked for it.
The dude had to spit.
So what?
He was thinking the best for everyone.
If he spat through the window, he could've hit the car next to us or even hit the dude on the bike.
Gross, yes.

I don't know.
I don't know how my dad will take all this.
I don't know what's going to happen to me and my freedom from now on.
I don't know if I can drive anymore.
I don't know what dad will do to Farhan.
I don't know how much money I'll have left after having to pay for the repairs.
I don't even know if I can walk out of my room without dad looking at me with such a pissed-off face.
I don't even know if I can still live.
But what the heck.

I'll blog about 2010, Beijing, USS and my life thus far some other time.
Chinese New Year's break just doesn't give me time to do everything I set out to do.
Oh, well.
There's always April.
Until then.

"If life's about making mistakes, then, heck, I'm freaking living"


Anonymous said…
Rough week, man.