I have here mendeII, JJU5307 and rainbowman still trying to make an effort in dealing with such a situation.
I have taken over one entry with regards to my beloved squad: Sign.
Here and now, I write this as Sui and not Fear.
Yes, my fellow readers would not understand such a situation but it is necessary to talk about the situation with Sign.
Accounts are being sold, lives are being spared and silence envelopes every conversation.
I cannot say I have not foreseen such events.
Interventions have been done.
DOTA has too much influence on us, I suppose.

Alchemist and MeesamMSM are spending time in Penang.
MSM has much to complain but contributes greatly with his participation in DOTA.
Same goes with Vans and PrimeZ, I hear.
We're all busy, I know.
I, myself, will be finishing my Matriculation program in less than 2 months.
I have loads to study.
I have much to revise.
I have much to revise.
I know that without proper learning skills I will not be able to maintain my 4.00 CGPA.
But I don't want Sign to die.
Sign is facing a long hiatus.
And that is what we are on right now.
Saddened is what I am.
I cannot say that I know what makes us all seem too heavy-handed in dealing with this problem.
I don't even know how this became such a big problem.
But one of our members pointed out that we are indeed non-living.
This struck me hard.
I am our Leader.
I took on this responsibility and I do not know how much that means to any one of you (the Vices and members) but it means a great deal to me.
I have lead all my life.
Classes, exam halls, clubs, you name it.
And as a Leader, I can't just let my team go down without having something to say about it.
I love our squad.
It is what's left of our legacy.
What happened to our T-shirt plans?
Do you not reminisce about the times we owned the Warehouse or The 3rd Supply Base?
Have you all forgotten our game plan?
Life the present, strive for the future and never forget the past.
But we are forgetting that Sign is what bonded us tighter.
We had a dance crew two years back.
Even that needs some rebuilding to do.
I love you guys.
And to see that one of us boldly stating that "Sign is DEAD" hurt me deeply.
I am offended.
As if we have never tried to keep the Sign team alive.
We may not participate that much in tourneys.
We may not Squad Battle a lot anymore.
We all may not even be playing for not less than weeks or months.
But that doesn't necessarily mean that we're not alive.
That doesn't show that we're not Sign.
That doesn't prove that we all can't still pwn ass.
We have enjoyed the good times as Sign.
And maybe now is just the time we face the bad times together.
I am not forceful; I have never been.
I may be pushy but that's just so we don't lose our way.
MSM, Vans, PrimeZ and whoever wants to dwell in the World of Warcraft or DOTA, I do not mind.
You all have your own life.
March24 can sell his account.
rainbowman can stay offline for as long as he needs to in order to prepare for his SPM.
mendeII can wait for anyone to accompany him in Dondekashi City.
JJU5307 can still be the best supporter I have ever had.
We can all focus on our real lives and leave our game faces till another time.
If dormancy is necessary, than that is we shall do.
However, all in all.
I still want us to be who we were before all this happened.
We danced like we owned the world.
We battled as if our lives depended on it.
We gamed till we exhausted every single cell in our body.
And we lived together, side by side, as if that was all we could do.
Accounts might be sold.
DOTA might cloud our judgement.
Studies might be our main priority.
But know this, my fellow squad mates.
Ties cannot be broken.
The SlayERZ still need to be slayed.
And Sign must still conquer Sudden Attack SEA.
Hopefully, one day, we'll all get to game the night away like we used to.
Until then, we would just have to remain as close to each other as we can.