Entry 37: I Got A Feeling

Okay, so I better cut to the chase.
I don't have much to say of now.
I mean, yeah, I have, like, a lot of things to write about.
KMJ, H15, Kuliah Hayat 2, the people of KMJ, the happenings, the sights ad infinitum.
But now is really not the time.

It's only the early morning of the second day of Study Week in KMJ.
Only 5 or 6 days more till we start Finals and after that leave KMJ for good.
It's sad.
How everything's ending.
It felt like a flash of light, how fast time flies.
I feel a lot of darkness in my heart right now, but I feel that I should elaborate on it more on a specific entry later.

I'm just writing in so that I get a sense of relief.
I just feel so uptight right now.
Of course it's normal, what with the Finals coming up and leaving everyone I've practically lived with for the past year, who wouldn't feel even slightly uneasy?

I can't wait till I get to update my blog about life in a Matriculation College.
It's ups and downs, it's lefts and rights.
I just have this feeling that there's so much to write about, it scares me.
And in the back of my mind, I also think that the feeling is just a feeling, that there might not even be a post about KMJ or even my life for the past few months.
But I'll keep being optimistic.
I love KMJ, H15 and writing too much to let something so important to me slip away just like that.

I'm not promising an awesome entry in the future nor am I saying that I'm for sure going to update this soon.
But I will say that I won't be thinking of anything aside from it.
Trust me.

Until I do write again.

"To think is to act - Uncle Ridzuan Abdul Malik"
