Entry 75 : A PHOTO A DAY - 8

As I said in my tweet the other day, I'd continue my #aphotoaday routine once I've finished writing my coverage of MTV World Stage Live In Malaysia 2013 (here) so here I am!

It's been a good three days since Sunday.
I've been getting some attention from the photos my brother and I took and also for the concert review I wrote.
VJ Hanli favorited and RT-ed every tweet about World Stage that I mentioned her, VJ Alan RT-ed my tweet and I got a quote from Joe Flizzow saying "thank you!"!
I am totally humbled and blessed to receive be given even a little appreciation and recognition from them.

Anyway, I got back to campus on Monday and the usual buildings of the faculty and familiar faces haven't excited me much yet (hopefully).
But here's one fellow that has been sticking around for the past few days and doesn't seem like he'll be moving any time soon:

#8 : Trapped

I'm not sure why the owner hasn't redeemed his/her car's right to ride freely.
Even with this car being clamped on the side of the road, every day, other cars still park illegally on the roadside.
The other day, there was even this one cheeky car that parked right across this one!
I'm not an environmentalist per se, but to see such abundance of cars around campus is a real pain.
Hopefully, there will be more facilities that will facilitate better means of transportation in-campus in the future.

I'll be on a lookout for more photos to share so stay tuned! 

""I'm trapped~ I'm trapped~""
