I'm almost at my 10,000th shot with my Nikon D7100 that I bought last month (with respect to DSC_xxxx) and I can't wait to get pass the milestone.
Lately, I've taken interest into more different styles of photography, namely fashion photography and portraiture.
The former might sound a bit off but in truth, it is one of the most tedious styles to do, mostly because there isn't much to variate between two photoshoots.
The latter, however, is something more common and more appealing to most people.
Photos we see of people on Facebook and Instagram are mostly portraits.
So, today when I went back to my grandma's on my dad's side, my little cousin Syahmi was there and I took the opportunity to take a few shots of this very adorable and photogenic kid:
#20 : Little Syahmi
His poses are always the same, but his candid form and natural gestures are really nice to photograph.
People say all babies are cute, but I beg to differ.
Some are chubby, some are puffy but not all are photogenic.
Not like this kid.
And I'm not saying this because he likes to play with me and loves being in front of the camera.
Well, maybe a little.
It's obvious that I like taking photos of babies and toddlers.
It's just that their smiles and laughter aren't fake or forged.
When they smile, it's real.
When they laugh, it's because they are sincerely amused.
With older people, you have to ask them to smile and laugh and look "happy", which really turns me off when some think taking photographs is a fuss or a hassle.
With kids, it's much simpler.
And I like the simple stuff.
"Please, be my baby~"