Entry 116 : A PHOTO A DAY - 30

Hi there.
It's been two and a half months since I last wrote in to share a photo for A PHOTO A DAY.
Thus making this the first A PHOTO A DAY for 2014!

2014 started off with Finals.
Thankfully, I did well and managed to maintain a good CPA.
I had a very short semester break before coming back in February for the new semester.
If you've been following me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, I've been pretty occupied with stuff both in and out of the university.

The new year brought in a lot of good tidings, the highlight of it all being QZ Photography getting our first big gig: Twin Towers @Live 2014.
I got into contact with the organizers and they invited me to shoot for them for the first press conference in February.
I was very grateful to be given the opportunity to be the OFFICIAL photographer, granting me full access to the event.
I even got to personally meet with some of the local artists that will perform on the night itself.
I have been invited again to shoot for them till D-Day and I hope to continue doing a good job to please the organizers, the fans and myself.

I spent every weekend in February away from home, the first three in KL and the last at Rompin, Pahang.
I got to shoot a lot of stuff, both for personal and for hired use.
QZ Photography has been receiving more and more assignments and I am happy that we are progressing well.
Although some of these assignments aren't official jobs per se, but Fariq and I have been treating them as if they were.
I believe that with every click of the shutter, we grow and mature as photographers, preparing ourselves for real work in the real world.
And this shows in our photos, where they are increasingly similar to works of more experienced photographers.

This is a photo I wanted to share from a school assignment I did just recently:

#30 : At work

It has already been two weeks since March came and with it, more actual assignments from school.
This photo was taken at an interview session that my group and I had at Starbucks Setia Tropika.
For our Entrepreneurship & Enterprise Development course, we had to interview an entrepreneur to give us some insight on the requirements, challenges and things to consider when starting a business.
It wasn't necessary to go out from the premises of the campus or even have someone come in so officially but I really wanted to take the assignment a step further and show that we were really serious in our work.
I acted as the cameraman (photographer & videographer) and took up the responsibility to shoot the interview and record it.
We also recorded the audio on my iPhone 5S which fared quite well.
For this course, I really grabbed the chance to implement my photography in every assignment.

There have been a lot of things on my mind lately.
I have had to figure out my schedule to compensate travel and work for QZ Photography and also not get too distracted from my academics.
It's been going pretty well, though a fortnight ago I was elected as the Project Director for our department's annual dinner, which will be held in less than a month.
I have three tests scheduled during these two weeks, Twin Towers @Live at the end of the month, quizzes, assignments and also the dinner to plan and execute.

I have been quite busy but I don't think of it as a burden or an excuse to actually feel like I have no time left for myself.
Throughout these six weeks of the new semester, I got to build networks, gain more experience and take on more challenges; all of which are imperative in the process of growing up and becoming an adult.
I feel like it is my duty to keep striving to achieve more than just satisfactory results in my work, in fact I have such high expectations that is only matched by my motivational drive.

I hope that I will succeed in completing all these assignments and with the support from God, my family and my colleagues, I believe that it is more than possible.
I do hope that I can update here more.
I will still squeeze in my coverage on TTA and other concerts, as well.
I will keep shooting and keep growing.
And I hope that you will stay here with me.

""Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life," - Confucius"

p/s: A big thank you to Mr. Khalil for agreeing to sit down and have a chat with us. We have learned a lot from you and are eager to start up our enterprise soon!
pp/s: If you are interested in sponsoring/advertising at our Graduation & Appreciation Night (GARDEN), do contact us at our Twitter and/or Facebook. Thank you in advance! 
