This time last year, I began the revival and reformation of this blog.
It took a lot of effort, ideas and time to come to this point where I now have a steady number of readers.
I think the increase in photography articles are a real attraction.
The photography articles back then were from my A PHOTO A DAY series, which started on this exact date last year.
I admit, I have failed to live up to its name.
Obviously since this is only the 33rd post in a year!
But I do strive to provide more photos for this series but the inspiration isn't always there.
Plus, I wouldn't want to share mediocre images just for the sake of it.
Anyway, to celebrate another anniversary at THE FEAR, I will share one photo that I took on the eve of Malaysia's Hari Merdeka (Independence Day).
#33 : Of flags and flowers
Malaysia has enjoyed 57 years of independence from the reign of foreign colonizers.
Through ups and downs, we worked together to make this country a better place.
We achieved this independence from the unity of races and religion.
And we think we gained freedom.
But we couldn't be any more wrong.
I do not believe I am free.
I am still hindered by so many things, where even chasing my dream makes me feel guilty.
And guilt is a horrendous feeling.
The biggest hindrance for our nation is our mentality; our mistakes that we keep repeating because we see it as our norm.
There is little freedom of choice, especially for young ones who want to follow their dreams but are constrained by mindset.
"You must become a doctor, an engineer, a pharmacist!"
"A writer? There is no money in that line of work!"
"Mathematics? You should study Medicine. Mathematics is too easy for someone like you."
The victims of this ancient mindset are the future of the nation.
Children have to constantly adhere to certain rules in education.
Less time for Arts and more time for Science.
No PE, just Geography and History.
I believe that restricting children's time off of academics beckons a mono-minded society.
Where will they develop creativity?
At home?
How much time at home do they even spend at home NOT doing homework?
I could go on about the whole education system and how much it does not cater for creative development; how much it aims to destroy dreams and obliterate variety.
But I am still too young and too rebellious, and everyone older than me knows better.
(Or do they?)
I only speak from my point of view, my pain and my experience.
However, I have realized that dreams can come true.
Not by a swing of a fairy godmother's wand nor by a rub of a genie's lamp.
It comes from determination, courage and a will to take risks.
And you don't have to give up on your current life, your day job nor your family.
You can certainly pursue your true passion by taking a leap of faith.
If you want your dream job, dream car, dream camera or even your dream girl, you must work for it!
It is not just our Rakyat that suffers from hindrance of mentality, it is an epidemic faced by the whole world.
But there are those who succeed.
There are those believe.
Despite the drawbacks, the challenges and criticism, they work hard and ultimately hold their dreams in their hands and say "I DID IT!".
Like our forefathers before who laid their lives to protect our land and to break the chains of tyranny, we can break through barriers and we can definitely be who we want to be.
We may not be free; so far from it.
But we are independent.
And that is what being independent is all about!
"Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!"