Hi, there!
Gosh, it's been a while since I last wrote an A PHOTO A DAY post.
I guess that's why I've been feeling a bit empty these days, as if a part of me is always discontent and unfulfilled.
Well, I hope that this entry will give me a bit of relief and some strength to endure the last moments I have... we have, of this year.
These past few months have seen my photographic activities steer towards commercialization.
I somehow feel that my creative ability is dissipating and that I have been conforming more and more towards the ideals of others instead of my own emotions and vision.
I always long to go street shooting but find myself disappointed every time I come back from a walk in the city because I don't get the shot.
Whatever happened to just shooting?
And because I've been domesticated for the most part of this second half of the year, I feel as if I can't get any good shots because I'm not out travelling the world.
I look at photos from my past travels: South Korea, Australia, Singapore and Vietnam, and I can't help but feel useless because I'm stuck at home worrying about my studies and my college applications.
I see people having fun jumping out of planes, kicking up sand at the beach, witnessing the first drops of snow and rocking out at concerts while I sit in my room pondering my future.
And I feel left out.
I feel as if these days at home are just like every other day.
And every other day there is always something new to worry about.
But then yesterday, as I was finishing up my revisions for the Stochastic Process test I had last night, I looked out the window and I saw beautiful afternoon light.
The sun had been shining all day and the sky was marvellous.
I went downstairs to make some dinner and that's when I saw it - the golden rays of light seeping through my living room window.
It was divine.
I love sunsets.
Even though sunsets are the most over-photographed and overly rated attractions, I love them.
I stood there for a good 15 minutes, shooting the sun as it set in the horizon.
This photo was actually one of the first shots I took, but I do have others that are also breathtaking.
Now I know that a simple photo of a sunset might not be the epitome of photography, but to me, it symbolizes the very nature of life.
Days come and go, and we all strive to make a living.
But rarely do we stop, just stop, to enjoy the clouds in the sky, or to listen to the rustling of the leaves in the wind or to even take a moment to breathe in deep and think "I am alive".
Every day, the sun sets but not every day do you see the colours in the sky so majestic.
And not every time you witness such a beautiful scene, you record it in such a fashion that you literally capture the defining moment - the moment you actually stopped.
I'm all about capturing moments; unguarded moments, planned moments, moments of intense emotion and also moments of emotional absence.
And at the moment, I feel blessed to have seen and documented such a beautiful sight.
Right there and then, I forgot about my worries, my burdens, my future and my past.
All I had was the present, and it was good.
You may find yourself down in the dumps on most days and you may feel hopeless or restricted; but sometimes, the universe gives you a glimpse of something magical.
And when that moment comes, you had better savor it.
Not necessarily photograph it, but just savor it, cherish it... live it.
Because, although the moment is wonderful, it is indeed gone.
My inspirations for this photo and this entry come from a few places.
Do check out the links below to get a feel for the moment and the beauty of nature.
Gosh, it's been a while since I last wrote an A PHOTO A DAY post.
I guess that's why I've been feeling a bit empty these days, as if a part of me is always discontent and unfulfilled.
Well, I hope that this entry will give me a bit of relief and some strength to endure the last moments I have... we have, of this year.
I somehow feel that my creative ability is dissipating and that I have been conforming more and more towards the ideals of others instead of my own emotions and vision.
I always long to go street shooting but find myself disappointed every time I come back from a walk in the city because I don't get the shot.
Whatever happened to just shooting?
And because I've been domesticated for the most part of this second half of the year, I feel as if I can't get any good shots because I'm not out travelling the world.
I look at photos from my past travels: South Korea, Australia, Singapore and Vietnam, and I can't help but feel useless because I'm stuck at home worrying about my studies and my college applications.
I see people having fun jumping out of planes, kicking up sand at the beach, witnessing the first drops of snow and rocking out at concerts while I sit in my room pondering my future.
And I feel left out.
I feel as if these days at home are just like every other day.
And every other day there is always something new to worry about.
But then yesterday, as I was finishing up my revisions for the Stochastic Process test I had last night, I looked out the window and I saw beautiful afternoon light.
The sun had been shining all day and the sky was marvellous.
I went downstairs to make some dinner and that's when I saw it - the golden rays of light seeping through my living room window.
It was divine.
#34 : Golden days
I love sunsets.
Even though sunsets are the most over-photographed and overly rated attractions, I love them.
It was almost 7PM when I rushed up the stairs, grabbed my camera and started shooting from my parents' room.
Their balcony had a wonderful view of the sunset and the hills yonder, and it was perfect for an interesting composition.I stood there for a good 15 minutes, shooting the sun as it set in the horizon.
This photo was actually one of the first shots I took, but I do have others that are also breathtaking.
Now I know that a simple photo of a sunset might not be the epitome of photography, but to me, it symbolizes the very nature of life.
Days come and go, and we all strive to make a living.
But rarely do we stop, just stop, to enjoy the clouds in the sky, or to listen to the rustling of the leaves in the wind or to even take a moment to breathe in deep and think "I am alive".
Every day, the sun sets but not every day do you see the colours in the sky so majestic.
And not every time you witness such a beautiful scene, you record it in such a fashion that you literally capture the defining moment - the moment you actually stopped.
I'm all about capturing moments; unguarded moments, planned moments, moments of intense emotion and also moments of emotional absence.
And at the moment, I feel blessed to have seen and documented such a beautiful sight.
Right there and then, I forgot about my worries, my burdens, my future and my past.
All I had was the present, and it was good.
You may find yourself down in the dumps on most days and you may feel hopeless or restricted; but sometimes, the universe gives you a glimpse of something magical.
And when that moment comes, you had better savor it.
Not necessarily photograph it, but just savor it, cherish it... live it.
Because, although the moment is wonderful, it is indeed gone.
"Those moments are what I live for. You just disappear from the human world and you're there; and nothing matters. You're just there." - George Karbus
My inspirations for this photo and this entry come from a few places.
Do check out the links below to get a feel for the moment and the beauty of nature.
- Ian Ludwig's "Golden" series @ Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/ianludwig/
- The Instagram Generation by Shots of Awe @ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEUnYah1aRw
- DEDICATED by Corey Rich, Nikon USA @ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Az02HDfWRq0