WARNING: Strong language (profanity) and gore.
You would think he would give up trying to get through the door by now. I tried everything. Everything. I barricaded my door with every-fucking-thing that I owned. Whatever was in my small bedroom was put against the door. There was my drawer, my desk, my bed, my chair - Hell, even my textbooks were thrown in just to add some weight to the barricade. But even with all my belongings pinned against the door, the guy or demon or monster or whatever-the-fuck it was was still banging against the door, almost throwing it off its hinges. I had nowhere to escape. I was fucking trapped.
I couldn't help but panic as I watched my door frame slowly crack at the seams. With every bang its voice got louder and louder,
"Ahmaaad... You're neeext... I. WANT. MY. FATTY. DESSERT!"
Fuck this dude. He left me for dessert because I was the fattest among all my roommates? Now I wasn't sure if I was more afraid of being shred into pieces by this psycho or insulted because of his fat-shaming. Add that to the lingering memory of all my roommates splattered across the walls of our apartment and spread out all over the floors made me even more delirious. The smell of their blood on my shirt made me nauseous. The terrifying image of the thing right outside my door became bigger and bigger inside my head with every bang. There was no way out. I just wanted to give up.
The walls of my room began to crack as the sheer force of the dessert-craving spawn of The Devil himself banging against my door became increasingly stronger. I honestly don't know how my door could withstand this excessive banging but now wasn't the fucking time to question these things. The only other exit from my bedroom would lead into my bathroom and I'd still be stuck. All the windows were barred shut and there was no fire escape. "Fucking Malaysian homeowners," I mumbled. Those were the first words I could mutter ever since I said my goodbyes to Ben as I watched him bleed out from the top half of his body; his bottom half was dragged away as the entree to the beast's 4-course feast.
As I awaited my imminent death, with tears rolling down my eyes and my heart pounding out of my chest, I had the events that transpired right before that moment playing over and over in my head.
We'd just come back from camping; Ben, Sara, E, and I. It was a fun trip we spontaneously decided to go on since we found some down time between exam papers. We thought it would be a good idea to just let off some steam over the weekend. It was a tough semester with a lot of classes we couldn't keep up with, mostly because of the wayward scheduling and fucked up grading schemes. I don't remember us doing anything particularly suspect while we were at the site. Just normal camping stuff like a barbecue, hiking, campfire stories, swimming in the lake, midnight skinny-dipping, binge-watching TV series and just hanging out - nothing out of the norm. Usually weird stuff like this happens to teenagers going out on a limb trying to summon angered spirits or talk to an ouija board or some other stupid shit people do in movies. I recalled everything that happened on that trip, on the way to the trip and back, the things that happened the days before the trip - I even tried to remember every conversation we had but none of them traced back to anything malicious. Could it be that we were just the unlucky apartment to receive the unwanted patronage of a human-hungry entity?
Suddenly my phone started ringing in my pocket and I snapped out of my daze.
"Wait, what the fuck? I HAD MY PHONE ALL THIS TIME?!"
I guess my panicking kicked all my survival senses into action but completely left out the part where I had my phone with me the whole fucking time.
I looked at who was calling and my jaw dropped to oblivion. Ben was calling me. Without thinking I immediately picked up the call and instantly regretted it.
"Ahmaaad... I see youuu..."
I peered into the cracks and saw the bloody face of a man-eating animal just smiling and licking his lips, with eyes shining as bright as the moon as they reflected the bright screen of Ben's phone. I pushed my phone back into my pocket and that's when I realized that something else was in there.
It was prickly and thin, felt hard and snapped as I took it out of my pocket. It was a branch. A fucking branch. Fuck.
And at that very moment, the walls burst and the door flew open, throwing the pile of stuff to one side of the room. And there it stood, a silhouette of menacing, haunting, flesh-craving death.
* * * * *
Thanks to everyone who sent in their suggestions!
Writing prompt: GENRE (HORROR)
Submitted by: Sarah Eleena via Twitter