Entry 250 : Reboot

Hey, there.

I know it's been a (long) while since my last entry and, without trying to sound too contrarian, it hasn't much to do with the pandemic but more to do with the things that I've picked up since my last entry. Well, my last real entry.

I stopped trying to force myself to update this blog with things that mattered less and less to me the more I tried to care. Throughout these past months, I have had a few things I thought I could write about but I made myself focus on my research first. Thankfully, I have been experiencing great progress with my PhD and I'm looking forward to finishing everything on time.

Ask me about my research

I hate to admit that I was not severely affected by the long-term lockdowns. I have always been somewhat disinterested in spending my time outside, forever pointlessly losing myself in the illusion of being part of an active society. I always knew that my talents were better suited to my workspace at home, talking to myself and sticking to a timetable I've planned ahead for months. Sure, the majority of people couldn't work from home because of the kind of job sectors they were involved, and those who could, simply refused. I like to believe that I thrived in my house arrest and I have two research papers to prove it.

The greatest change to my daily routine slowly emerged after a few weeks into the major lockdown back in March. Before, I would be too busy teaching during the day and then planning or studying for my next lesson at night. I had no time to play my games, whether alone or with my group of friends that I have been playing with for years now. On weekends, I would use my downtime to catch up on Netflix and movies. But after I finished my teaching contract and focused solely on my research, I found myself frequently exhausted at the end of the day after spending all my waking hours doing work. This included both day time and night time. 

My roommates like to cuddle

As the weeks went by and my mind started to melt, I had to force myself to take a break once in a while to not have a repeat of the mental breakdown that I had while I was in Paris back in 2016. I had been working non-stop for 12 hours a day while I was in Germany and on the way back home, I had planned to visit Paris but I couldn't enjoy myself fully because I was in such a bad mental state. I did not want to fall into such a pit again so I reworked my daily routines to allow for some reprieve during the evening. This is when I got back in to playing Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

It was fun to get back into my long-abandoned hobby and I had been doing quite well. This routine of working during the day and gaming at night pulled me through some slumps I had through the months. But gaming on my ageing Macbook Pro meant that I was inhibited by bad all-round performance. Previously, I had sworn off buying a PC, mainly because my work requires mobility and fluidity and my Macbook could technically run the games that I wanted to play quite well at the start. With age, the capabilities of my Macbook began to decrease and the thought of procuring a dedicated gaming PC started to creep into my mind.

I had voiced my intentions of buying a PC to my brothers and Fariq provided me with some PC specs that he had intended with his build. At the time, I had zero understanding of what each component meant or what anything had to do with everything. I was lost and I was frustrated to the point that I began a new research: PC gaming and building. Now, my days were spent on formal languages while my nights were spent on gaining as much knowledge and information on PC parts, builds, comparisons, upgrades, benefits, reviews and plenty more. In a matter of months, I had gone from PC novice to PC addict. I have gone through hours of refining my perfect PC build, picking every little bit of information that would help me not only build the optimal computer, but the most cost-effective one. I used Fariq's specs as my baseline and have turned it into what is now something totally different. All that's left was to buy a PC, and that needed money, which I don't have enough of.

So I was stuck with my existing Macbook and I needed to find ways to slowly build up to the PC of my dreams. First, I upgraded my peripherals, which were my keyboard and mouse. It was high time I adopted a wireless setup and the Logitech G913 TKL had just been announced. It was perfect. The pre-order launch bundled the keyboard with a wireless mouse, the G604. As expensive as it was, the value truly outweighed the cost so I dived headfirst into the start of my new setup.

I had also just started to be brave enough to shop online

I had also been struggling with the small size of the Macbook screen, often relying on the living room TV as my second display. Although it meant I could multitask, such as write my papers while watching some TV shows, it also meant that I had to sit on the floor for long periods of time and I couldn't do work from the comfort of my own room.

The more, the merrier

I decided that my next purchase would be a monitor and a place for that monitor to be situated. My old built-in desk did not have enough space for both a monitor and a laptop to power it without having to stack books to extend the desktop, so I also went out to get a desk from IKEA. On top of that, I had begun to get increasingly bored of Counter-Strike (it's still the best game out there), so I then learned to install Windows on my Apple laptop so that I could expand my gaming capability without a PC. The next month, my new setup was taking shape.

34" monitor, IKEA desk and a repurposed shotgun microphone

Day vs night

After I started to work on this new setup, my productivity significantly increased and I had a renewed sense of purpose. There was nothing holding me back from continuing the work I've been doing while enjoying the space I was working in. Along the way, I had also learned about audio pole conversion, cable management and booting into Windows from a Macbook. Every day was a new day to learn about things I never thought would be useful to my workflow or daily life but it really has been a blast to continually discover new knowledge besides that of mathematics. I started to have fun again and it was a much needed boost.

But of course, it wasn't enough.

The setup worked well but the looming problem of bad gaming performance remained. Then one August day, my brother Farhan told me about his intentions of also getting a new PC for work and gaming and asked me to spec out a build for him. I took it upon myself to find the parts that most suited his needs and also got in contact with the local computer shop. Three weeks later, the build was finished and I had the golden opportunity to test it out; and what better way to put a PC through its paces than to game and live stream?

Oh, what a setup

After years of gaming on a Macbook, I could finally experience playing games unthrottled and unbothered by technical restrictions or bottlenecking. It was amazing to just play a game and not get frustrated by the faults of your system instead of your own mistakes. And to be able to live stream my games and have people watch was even more fun. During that week of testing, I had a few of my friends drop by my live stream to chat and hang out. It felt nice to have a small audience and I really always liked the idea of starting my own gaming live stream. I had so much fun and parting ways with the PC wasn't easy. As much as I was sad to see it go, it only fuelled my desire to further prepare my setup for my own imminent PC.

Since then, I've started live streaming regularly with my current setup and added a few more accessories to the desk, which includes a large mousepad, wireless charging stand and a microphone stand. I play Valorant on most days and sometimes jump into Among Us and Bejeweled. I still haven't gone back to Counter-Strike as I am reserving that to the day I finally get my own PC. 

I live stream most nights on twitch.tv/feardaooz 

At first I wanted to do a video about my new setup, but I'm just not that kind of content creator right now. Also, I just wanted to share my thought process of getting out of a rut. Sitting at my old desk all day back at the start of lockdown made me realize how much I would appreciate adding a bit more pizzazz to my workstation. I've learned so many new things and have grown throughout the process and it really has been something I enjoyed doing. Playing games with my friends after a long day of stressful thinking is something I looked forward to every day. As much as the pandemic has somewhat made life much harder to enjoy, I've found a wonderful new thing to pursue, which might even turn into something I can get paid for down the line.

Every hobby I've ever had has developed me into the person I am today. From loving art and drawing, to writing to photography and now to gaming and live streaming; it's always been fun to accumulate as much knowledge as I can to further expand my personal repertoire and prepare myself for whatever comes next. The future is now, and with more interactions going virtual, it's only apt that I also grow my online presence, which is another thing I have abandoned for quite a while.

Maybe my next step is to get back to posting photos on Instagram... or not.

Until then, take care, stay safe and wear a mask.
